Mathematics Grade 6

70 students

Mathematics Grade 6

Mathematics enhances our analytical, calculative, and estimating skills, needed throughout the daily life.  It is the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations. Algebra, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are branches of mathematics.

Here, children can opt for Mathematics course along with the other subjects. This course is spread over all the grades in our school and advances along the following areas.

  • Basic, Advanced, Pure and Applied mathematics.
  • Mathematical Methodology, Statements, and General concepts.
  • Mathematical objects, Equations.
  • Integrals, Derivatives, Calculus.

So let’s get started. I’m sure you’ll love it. 

This course is currently set as FREE. So go ahead, make AukSunLMS, Your Homeschool!

However, if you wish to contribute to teaching children, you may send any money:


Hi there,
These courses have been co-compiled by Edna Lopez and Tanzeela Umer. They compile various resources to make courses including videos, quizzes projects on language, sciences, health, etc. Alongside this, they train and facilitate online e-teachers.

Dr. Erum Khalid is a co-author of Learning Management Systems at PCCF. She headed the AukSunLMS exploration project Sunrise – Lever du Soleil for two years. Currently, she offers its editorials.

Dr. Asif Qureshi has always contributed wholeheartedly to PCCF's Rupee -a-day school, arranging computers and organizing curriculum. He assists in helping people globally.

Ms. Tanzeela Umer ensures that each student maintains their individuality throughout the learning process. Moreover, it is important for the students to develop critical thinking skills so they can analyze the multitude of perspectives they will come across life. According to her 'If a student can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn'.
