Credits: 02 Hours
Placement: BSN-I, Semester-II
Faculty: Syeda Uzma Paiam
Hi, I am Syeda Uzma Paiam (, your teacher for English (BSN-I, Semester-II). I encourage you to enroll in our blended learning English Language Course.
Acknowledgment: This curriculum is adopted from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and Pakistan Nursing Council 2006.
English is the official language of all medical procedures and spoken in all major hospitals worldwide. It is the medium to study, patients’ history, medicine labels, and medical care. Being proficient in the English language is key to getting ahead in the medical profession.
This course is designed to develop and enhance learners’ receptive and productive language skills. It will help students to improve their reading speed as well as comprehension, at a deeper level. The focus will also be on developing writing skills.
Here, you can take online quizzes and assessments. This course has seven units helping you develop along with the following areas.
- Develop speed reading
- Enhance reading skills: skimming and scanning
- Read and summarize simple nursing-related texts/information
- Write coherent paragraphs
- Learn and use new vocabulary items
- Write short applications using the language of request
- Make appropriate use of specified grammatical items
- Write nursing objectives
Blended Learning strategies
The course includes interactive lectures, individual, pair, group and whole-class discussions, computer-based language learning.
Class participation | 10% |
Summary writing | 10% |
Quizzes | 10% |
Mid-term exam | 30% |
Final Exam | 40% |
The program includes eLearning speech activities. Through these activities, you can record your voice to access your spoken English, pronunciation, and fluency.
Zoom Video Conferencing (directed by faculty, time-to-time)
See Sample lessons and Curriculum and let’s get started!
How to operate the Indus Online portal-Student Guide
The course lasts 26 weeks. Its fee is US$7.00. (PKR 1,000)
If you wish to pay through bank transfer, you may click here:
This unit is designed to help students read with speed. It aims at helping students achieve a higher reading rate, which will also help them in other subjects. At the completion of this unit students will be able to: Read with speed, articles on topics of general/specific interest Practice rapid reading with no loss of comprehension Identify and overcome some obstacles to faster reading Refrain from some bad reading habits such as finger-pointing and vocalizing Skim to get the main idea that sums up the whole paragraph Scan portions of text for specific information Enhance general reading speed through over-viewing.
- 1. Reading Comprehension Skills
- The 10 Most Common _WHAT_ Questions in English
- 2. How to Skim
- The 10 Most Common _WHAT_ Questions in English
- 3. Skim and scan paragraph
- 4. Skimming and Scanning
- 5. How to scan
- 6. Scanning Practice
- 7. Conclusion
- ESP013. Real English_ Talking about pets and animals-Paramedics Copy
- 8. Speed Reading Videos
- 9. Exercise – Max’s Best Friend
- References
This unit trains students to build their summarizing skills by selecting significant points from a text/article and rejecting unwanted/irrelevant information. It also emphasizes the importance of giving an accurate and objective account of a given text in one's own words. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Skim through a given text to get an overall/global understanding Read again to get a deeper, more detailed understanding Select the main points and jot them down in note form Convert the main points into complete sentences Arrange sentences in a logical sequence Check for factual errors Write a fair copy of the shortened version.
- 1. Presentation Skills
- 2. Software to use
- Lesson 002 Family speaking sessions (topics, languages, stories)
- 3. Podium Panic
- 4. Body Language Do’s And Don’ts
- 5. How to Write a Summary
- 6. Example-Global Implications of Patent Law Variation
- 7. Writing the Summary
- 8. Summary and Main Idea Worksheet
- 9. Summary and Main Idea Worksheet
- 10. Summary and Main Idea Worksheet
- 11. Summary and Main Idea Worksheet
- ESP012. Learn 10 Easy 3-Word Questions in English-Paramedics Copy
This unit discusses the key features of a paragraph, i.e. its structural components, unity, and coherence. It enables students to write unified, coherent paragraphs in the form of field visit reports/summaries. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Brainstorm ideas in the form of word clusters, mind map or spidergram, etc Practice free writing Use prewriting strategies to write a paragraph outline Identify the structural components of a paragraph Write a topic sentence that states the main idea Write supporting details that develop the main idea Arrange sentences in a logical order Use transitions to ensure a smooth flow of ideas Restate the main idea effectively in the concluding sentence Describe a person and/or object, incorporating all the skills learned in this.
- 12. Brainstorming Techniques
- 13. Story boarding
- 14. Mind Mapping
- 15. Group Sketching
- 16. Word Banking
- 17. S.C.A.M.P.E.R.
- 18. S.W.O.T. Analysis
- 19. Six Thinking Hats
- 20. Zero Draft
- 21. Brain Netting
- 22. Questioning Assumptions
- 23. Alter-Egos / Heroes
- 24. Wishing
- 25. Forced Connections
- 26. Reverse Brainstorming
- 27. Brain-Writing
- 28. Burger Paragraphs
- 29. Essay Writing or A Formal Essay
- 30. Importance of Introduction
- 31. Main Body of a Formal Essay
- 32. The Importance of Adequate Details
- 33.Coherence and Cohesion
- 34. Conclusion
This unit aims at establishing the importance of documenting accurate, complete, and comprehensive nursing objectives in an organized manner. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Follow general guidelines for writing correct nursing objectives Understand the purpose of writing nursing objectives Differentiate between objectives and goals Write nursing objectives in proper sequence Employ appropriate and measurable action words Evaluate objectives against the SMART criterion.
This unit aims at enabling students to make appropriate use of specified grammatical items. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Complete sentences and paragraphs using the appropriate form of the present and past continuous tense. Maintain subject-verb agreement in sentences Write sentences using the correct word order Convert active sentences into passive and vice versa Change direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa Differentiate between present perfect and past simple Use the definite and indefinite articles correctly Insert correct prepositions of time and place in sentences.
This unit is designed to build students' verbal skills by familiarizing them with new vocabulary items. At the completion of this unit students will be able to: Use the dictionary with facility Identify various parts of speech Enhance their knowledge of root words Learn some of the common suffixes and prefixes used in medical terminology Use some of the idiomatic phrases used to describe physical ailments Enhance their knowledge of idioms and phrasal verbs in general.
This unit focuses on teaching students the correct format/layout and language of letters of request. At the completion of this unit learners will be able to: Write accurate, to the point, clear and courteous letters of request Follow the basic pattern—purpose, circumstance, action Use appropriate salutation Include relevant information Convince and persuade the recipient.
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and 50 students enrolled.